furry friends
Wow time flies when you are busy! I just realized that it has been a while since I have posted any thing on my blog. I will try harder to keep my blog up to date. So you ask what has kept me so busy?? Besides lots of photography of course… Check out www.simplygoldenpuppies.com. On Aug 12th our Golden Retriever had 11 puppies! Because there were so many my son Reagan and I – with help from many friends- bottle fed the pups for 4 weeks to help our Golden keep up with the milk demand. The pups are adorable!! And we are totally smitten by all of them!
We are planing to photograph all 11 tomorrow so hopefully we will have pictures for the blog soon – in the mean time check out the puppy web site.
On another note here are some of the beautiful images from Rachel’s senior session!!