
About a month ago I was hired to take this image for the back cover of the Super Lawyer Magazine.  I just noticed that the digital copy is out.  My son Reagan volunteered to get up at 3:30 AM to assist me with this image.  Thanks Reagan!!

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I went to bed and set my alarm for 2:15 am. hoping to see the Blood Moon.  I woke up early at 1:00 AM and decided to go take a look outside.  The moon was full and it was amazingly bright outside. I went back to bed and at 2:15 my alarm clock rang.  Not wanting to miss the event I got up once again and first thing I noticed was how dark it was outside. Clouds were covering the moon but I could see a few stars so I decided to wait a little bit in hopes to at least get a glimpse of the moon.  It seemed like the clouds were breaking up and after about 15 minutes I saw it.  It was strange seeing a “red” full moon and all the stars and still so dark out.  I grabbed my camera and by then the clouds had cleared and I was able to take these two images.  It was definitely worth a little less sleep to see this.

















blood moon sm










It’s Official now.  I am a “Face” of PPA! Hooray!

I received an email from PPA back in July asking me if I would do this.  I get so many emails every day and did not see it until the End of November when they asked me again.  ( I’m so glad they did )  Right then I was so busy and then the weather got so cold here in KC that I put it off.  Finally when it looked like the wether would not get better for a while I grabbed my camera  and went out and took this “selfie ”  for the Faces Pic.  Did I mention that is was around 10 degrees outside?  : )

PPA did something cool with one of the versions – they added snow that is actually falling.  If you would like to see it go to this link – it’s kinda fun!


A Face of PPA

A Face of PPA

A little over a  year ago I was approached by The Professional Photographers of America Magazine (PPA) wanting to publish my “Hands that Heal” image that had been chosen for the PPA loan collection.  It is quite an honor to have been chosen for this because in an entire year only around 40 images out of thousands are chosen to be featured in the magazine. Now close to a year later PPA again approached me wanting to feature the “story”  behind that image.  I always feel so grateful for the talent that God has given me and for the opportunities that come where I can use my talent to help in some way. In this case the many surgery Images that I took for Children’s Mercy Hospital helped them to raise over $650,000.00 for a new cardiac unit.  Some of the images are also being used by the Down Syndrome Guild to help educate parents of children who have to undergo open heart surgery.  To see the images taken , visit the Giving back section of my website.


Hands That Heal

Hands That Heal


PPA Magizine

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Imaging USA – The Professional Photographers of America’s annual convention in Phoenix. A lot of great things happened. First I met “legend of PPA” Bruce Hudson who saw some of my images and said ” Oh my gosh, your images are absolutely amazing, you should be getting top dollar for your work because it is that good ” He then asked if he could interview me for his new web show ” My Studio Mentor ” The episode that I will be in should air in 2-6 months. Second I was asked by my lab if they could use some of my images for their trade show samples : ) And last but not least I got to meet the Great Kenny Rodgers at the American Society of Photographers Banquet! He was very gracious to pose with me for a picture : )

Muffet Meets the Great Kenny Rogers at IUSA

Muffet Meets the Great Kenny Rogers at IUSA

Happy New Year!

A Great Big Thank YOU for making 2013 such a wonderful year at Muffet Petrehn Image Design!

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I Loved taking them!  YOU make my job Wonderful!!




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